About the WMC network
Launched in July 2018, the WMC network brings together a diverse community of practice of almost 50 conflict mediators from all Commonwealth regions with experience across the community, national and international spaces of mediation. The network aims to increase the participation of women mediators in all spaces of mediation.
Through strategic mediation support, global advocacy, peer learning and mentorship the network collectively address the key barriers facing women mediators.
The WMC is funded by the UK Government's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, in support of the commitments made during Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2018.
Learn more about the first year of the WMC in this short film:
Women Mediators across the Commonwealth is a founding member of the Global Alliance of Women Mediators Networks, along with the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network, Nordic Women Mediators, and FemWise Africa. These networks have come together to strengthen cooperation and coordination between the regional women mediators networks and to embody a collective voice to amplify their common goals.

If you would like to learn more about the WMC network, you can email us: