Noliettie Chihana
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Noliettie Chihana
Noliettie Chihana is a mediation specialist currently working with the Malawi Police Service. She holds a Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations, a Bachelors degree in Business Communication, a diploma in Mass Communication and a Certificate in Journalism. Amongst peace and security-related training, Noliettie has certificates in Mediation, Command and Leadership for emerging policewomen officers, Integrated civil-military coordination in peace support operations, Crisis information management, Public affairs, Commanding United Nations peacekeeping operations, Ethics in peacekeeping, Security Sector Reform, Police Middle management and Public Relations. She is an accredited member of Femwise Network, a network of women in mediation, peace and security under the African Union's African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) as a subsidiary mechanism of the Panel of the Wise and the Pan African Network of the Wise (PANWISE). She is an accredited member of the Women Mediators across the Commonwealth network (WMC) and also an accredited member of the International Association for Women Police (IAWP). Noliettie is engaged in full-time peace and security efforts that have seen her mediating over 50 issues of various nature, ranging from institutional conflicts, community-related issues mostly surrounding land disputes, child maintenance cases, domestic and gender-based violence cases. In all of these, Noliettie has applied both traditional and professional expertise to manage conflicts. Noliettie has worked with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in a project to train police officers in a peacekeeping pre-deployment training. She has developed and implemented sensitisation campaigns on safety and security through different media platforms in Malawi. Noliettie is currently working on a project, assisted by Femwise, to be implemented by the Malawi Police Service and the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI), to train police officers, community policing members, traditional leaders, religious leaders, youths and grassroots women in mediation.